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Solar Eclipse in Libra

October 13, 20233 min read

"Don't be afraid of the shadows that hide the light. They can only eclipse it for a short amount of time." - unknown

Tomorrow on October 14, 1:54 PM ET, we get to experience the first Eclipse of this season, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra that offers us an invitation to renew and revolutionize our relationships. We are witnessing the first Eclipse in the sign of Libra since 2016. This event will be visible from most of the USA, Canada, Central America, and the Northern half of South America.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra will be impactful for everyone, but particularly so for those of us who were born with personal placements in Libra or around the 21º of Cardinal signs. The individuals personally impacted by the Solar Eclipse are more likely to experience significant changes in their lives and their relationships, which have the potential to initiate them into a phase of deep personal and spiritual transformation

An invitation to sit in darkness

During Solar Eclipses, the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth align in a way that allows the shadow of the Moon to cover the Sun and prevent the sunlight from reaching the Earth. The current New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is an Annular one: the Moon covers the central part of the Sun and the outer edge of the Sun remains visible, forming a ring around the Moon.

As the light of the Sun is prevented from reaching us, we are invited to turn inward and find the guiding light within ourselves. Solar Eclipses are an opportunity to sit in the dark and allow darkness to teach us what we need to learn.

moon and sun over the dessert

New Moons are all about beginnings and Solar Eclipses just supercharge the potent energy of renewal.

This month, the Moon and the Sun meet in the sign of Libra, beginning a cycle focused on a deep, radical renewal of our relationships and of how we show up in relationships. The upcoming weeks and months will offer us opportunities to gain a clearer understanding of our beliefs and assumptions about relationships and of the inner mechanics at play in our attachment processes.

We have to keep in mind that the transformational processes set in motion by Eclipses take six months to fully unfold.

This Solar Eclipse in Libra sets in motion a process of profound transformation in how we engage in relationships, inviting us to question how we perceive relationships, what we truly desire from relationships, and what “being in a relationship” means to us. Around this time, changes are likely to be sudden, unexpected, and fast, as the Sun and the Moon are also aligned with Uranus in Taurus in an inconjunct aspect, a configuration that requires us to stay flexible and willing to embrace paradox.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra inspires us to deepen our understanding of relational dynamics, of the root of patterns and cycles that seem to repeat in our relational life, and of our true needs, values, and desires.

mantras for a solar eclipse in Libra

Mantras for Solar Eclipse in LIbra

I attract harmonious relationships into my life.”
“My voice matters, and I communicate with clarity and diplomacy.”
“I easily find balance between my personal and professional life.”
“I am open to new experiences that bring joy and equilibrium.”
“I trust the process of life and embrace the changes that lead to a more balanced me.”
“I love and approve of myself; self-love radiates outward and attracts love and kindness to me.”
“I choose to fill my life with beauty, inside and out.”
“I am aligned with the energy of abundance and can manifest my desires.”

Speak aloud your affirmations just before you go to sleep. Be sure to focus intently on what it is that you’re saying and feel its power as you speak. By delving deep into your subconscious this way, you open yourself up to limitless opportunities – allowing your natural abilities to come to fruition in ways that may seem unachievable by other means.

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