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Scorpio sign and it is time

Scorpio Season is Here!

October 23, 20232 min read

It's the spookiest, sexiest, most controversial time of year. Lets do this!

Have you ever heard of “Scorpio Season” but not understood sure what it meant?

I am here to help! Scorpio season starts when the sun moves into Scorpio and some personal planets join it during the month-long transit of the sun through Scorpio.

Like Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio is a water sign. Water is the element that rules emotions, and Scorpio has plenty of them. Scorpios are intense, mysterious, brooding, emotional, and sexual creatures who are not afraid to use their stinger. If you have dated one or are one, you already understand that there is nothing chill at all about this sign. Even the most evolved Scorpios can still fall into a fit of jealousy over an ex's Instagram post. They are also, however, loyal, honest, and typically fantastic in bed.

Dates: October 22-November 22

Ruled by: Pluto

Ruling house: 8th House – Sex, Power, Other People’s Money, Death & Rebirth, Mysticism

Scorpio Season is here!

Embrace Rebirth

Scorpio is a fixed sign. This quality can make them stubborn, resentful, and capable of holding a grudge for years. However, it's also why they are so loyal and determined. Despite their fixed nature, no sign does a comeback like a Scorpio. They can go through a breakup, career change, and even life and death situations and come out on top — and even hotter then before

Each sign is represented by a card in the tarot, and Scorpio is the Death card. This doesn't mean literal death, rather a very dramatic makeover. It's also fitting that their season is during autumn when nature is shedding its leaves and getting ready for a rebirth of its own. If you are healing from a breakup or other big life change, Scorpio season is the perfect time to debut a new makeover and remind the world that you are more fabulous than ever. Take your time, heal in your own way, and then put on the most epic Halloween costume and have more fun than you have in ages..

Best things to focus on during Scorpio Season:

Nothing will feel shallow during this season. It's a great time for the infamous "What are we?" talk, so get ready to be DTR (down to relationship). Keep your mind open and accepting when it comes to realizations about yourself and your own personal motives.

It’s time to go inwards after a highly relationship-focused Libra season and feel into what sparks your passion and what your soul is calling you towards. Listen to the stirrings of your soul and the insights from your intuition so that when Sagittarius season comes you are ready to pursue your vision.

Reminders for Scorpio Season

  1. It's ok to be intense

  2. You are passionate

  3. You were born to transform and evolve

  4. Now is the time to tune into your soul

This Scorpio season, your greatest task is to accept love.

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