We all have a birth chart (or a natal chart) . This is a snapshot of the sky and each planet’s exact location at the time of your birth. On our birth chart, each planet is located in a zodiac sign ( Aries, Libra, Scorpio) as well as house (from 1-12) which represents different aspects of our lives.
These planetary positions at your birth create an imprint that can be referred to as your Natal Promise – in other words, the potential that is available to you should you choose it. Why not utilize the tools and learn about ways to work with the energy of your birth chart instead of against it?
We will look at your astrological signature, the meaning of your inner and outer planet placements, and what we can learn from your north and south nodes about your soul purpose.
After the session you will have a better understanding about yourself and your life.
I was always fascinated by the moon and the stars as a child. As a teenager I would read my horoscope daily but didn’t realize there was so much more to astrology! As a teacher I was definitely aware of when the full moon was (hello crazy energy) and realized if just the moon can affect us so much what about all of the other planets?
So began my fascination and desire to learn more about astrology. Diving into astrology has helped me to be able to understand my emotions, recognize my strengths, and truly tune into what is important to me!
When you work with me you will get clarity around what makes you shine, how you handle emotions, as well as how others see you! You will leave the reading with the knowledge and understanding around the areas in your life that you want to focus on. You will feel empowered and inspired to continue to work on yourself!
Regularly: $222 book by Monday $111
Voice analysis of each house and planet
Personalized break down of your overall astro alignment
Helps you dive deeper into how you work and how to utilize the cosmos as a support tool (especially in business!)
You will leave feeling empowered in making decisions, grounded in yourself trust, and supported by the universe on this journey.
Recorded audio breakdown of your personal chart
PDF of notes from the reading
Timeline: within 2 weeks
Pay for the session below and two weeks after I get your birth info you will get a custom reading via the app Telegram. Please do not pay for a session if you do not know your time of birth!
You will receive an email requesting your birth information (date, time of birth, and location of birth) as well as any specific questions you have for me. Get this to me as soon as possible, the two weeks starts once this has been returned to me.
You will need to download the App Telegram, and send me your Telegram name.
Once I have all of the info I will spend a number of hours preparing your reading and tuning into the key messages you need to hear. You will get your reading within two weeks of receiving your birth info.
When your chart reading is ready I will send over an email and you can access the reading via Telegram. It is a walkie talkie app so you hold the button down to chat and ask questions. I will chat about your over all chart and then break down each planet and house.
If you have questions feel free to ask on Telegram. You have up to 7 days after receiving your chart reading to ask questions. You will be able to refer back to the voice recordings.
You will also receive a PDF report of the reading two weeks after the session.
Learn the Power of the Moon in Your Chart!
Get access to a full PDF all about how to find the moon in your chart and what it means!